Query: "Rychlebské hory"
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8 Aug 2020 - 11 Aug 2020
Since COVID-19 is everywhere, we tried to avoid people as much as possible.
There are a mountains following Polish-Czech border called Rychlebske hory. As
there are no chalets and the ridge is couple days walk, only people willing to
drag your baggage and tent go there, promising much less people than in other
areas. It turned out to be good choice and a lot of fun.
Mountains | Published: 12 Oct 2020 From series Rychleb mountains
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18 Aug 2012 - 19 Aug 2012
Third trip - Alice found bunch of old quarries filled with water, so we can dip
ourselves time from time. First day was supposed to be relaxing, other more
demanding, but it turned out to be exactly the opposite. First day was very
long and good elevation, while second day was pretty quick and easy.
Mountains | Published: 28 Oct 2012 From series Jeseniky no kids
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12 Jan 2008
Cross country ski trip to the Jeseniky mountains. One attraction on the way
there was waterfalls above the Nyznerov village. They are kinda small, but nice
stop on our way. We haven't seen much snow for the ski until we reached the
ridge, where for exchange the weather went a bit wild.
Mountains | Published: 12 Jan 2008
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7 Aug 2004 - 8 Aug 2004
Rychleb mountains is small area on the north of Czech Republic. It is not very
high, though very beautiful. We found there a lot of blueberries.
Mountains | Published: 8 Aug 2004
Articles found: 4 |