[bobroviny.cz] (c) 2004-2024 Roman Hubáček
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Dolomits|Italy - second part

Beautiful landscape all around

Kozel and Cimburk remains

Views into northern parts of Chriby

Liptovska Mara and Western Tatras|Slovakia

You can see Rohace behind church

Ostry Rohac - West Tatras|Slovakia

Rocks and valleys

Kumano Kodo Nakahechi

Tokaido desk game Landscape views Rice fields in Takahara


Foggy views

Mala Fatra | Slovakia

A view to Velky Rozsutec

Carinthia | Austria

Views to Italian alps


Ice training

The Eagle Walk | Austria

Nice views

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Iceland - Fimmvörþuháls Iceland - Volcano Huts Iceland - Winds and Snows Iceland - Laugavegur Walking the dog | Slovakia

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(c) 2004-2024 Roman Hubáček