Query: "Lázně"
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27 Sep 2013 - 28 Sep 2013
Two years agp we were in Budapest with my sister to see christmas fairs. Major
attractions should have been spa and "unforgettable" view to the Donau river.
Since the view was obscured by heavy fog, we have to come back and see what
we missed.
Misc | Published: 2 Dec 2013
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18 Aug 2012 - 19 Aug 2012
Third trip - Alice found bunch of old quarries filled with water, so we can dip
ourselves time from time. First day was supposed to be relaxing, other more
demanding, but it turned out to be exactly the opposite. First day was very
long and good elevation, while second day was pretty quick and easy.
Mountains | Published: 28 Oct 2012 From series Jeseniky no kids
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15 Apr 2006 - 16 Apr 2006
Upon this winter there is the last chance to go skiing. The nearest location of
remaining snow is in Jeseniky, probably just on the ridge. We traversed whole
lenght of Hruby Jesenik, in whole about thirty kilometers. Show covered it all,
so it went well. In contrast there are some photos from the descent, they are
much more springy.
Mountains | Published: 20 Apr 2006
Articles found: 3 |