[bobroviny.cz] (c) 2004-2024 Roman Hubáček
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Query: "Keprník"

Ramzova | Jeseniky mountains

To the Keprnik hill - ridge travel

Last cross-coutry ski

By Vresova studanka (Heather well)

To the wintery Keprnik

A view in direction to Serak Way to Keprnik Some snow In ascent Keprnik top Rolling down the slope

To Keprnik hill in Jeseniky

Chalet on top of Serak Hills near Ostruzna, Jeseniky Small fortification near Ostruzna Cart on ski-slope Ascent to Serak Wood on Serak Keprnik summit Transceiver on top of Praded, highest mountain of Jeseniky In front of chalet on Serak Obri skaly (Giant rocks)

Kidwalk - Jeseniky mountains

Building a stone house Me and boys on Keprnik Alice, Dan, and Honza with Vozka stone in background


At the top of Keprnik

Pictures found: 22



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(c) 2004-2024 Roman Hubáček